
Demo Site

Corporate website with full use of charts and graphs

Beyond is a theme that allows you to create corporate websites with charts and graphs.

The appealing points and demo content in numbers also incorporate the social context of the pursuit of rationalism. The naming is based on the concept of going beyond conventional corporate websites.

In the pursuit of streamlining, there’s a clear distinction between the parts of the work that can be automated and left to AI, and the work that can only be done by humans.

The demo site reproduces companies developing DX support services that encourage such streamlining.

You can effectively use case studies and the pages introducing your company’s services linked to them.

And also good at using visual elements (charts, graphs, and numerical animations) to showcase our achievements and data.

“Beyond” can really come into its own with the use of charts to create content on the improvements made by the service, case studies, etc.

Kind of business
Stylish Video
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Release Date
July 14 2022