Demo Site

Make Authentic Barber and Salon Websites More Easily.

“We want you to create a stylish website for barbershops and salons.”

“HOMME” was developed with this concept in mind.

Barbershops and salons, often small-scale operations, may struggle to maintain a professional website and thus, rely heavily on major booking platforms for customer acquisition, incurring monthly costs.

To address this, we developed the WordPress theme “HOMME.” It leverages the cost-effective, long-term benefits of WordPress to provide an ideal site template for barbershops and salons.

By following the included manual, anyone can create a website as stylish as the demo site, using templates designed specifically for barbershops and salons.

All site content belongs to the site owner, eliminating unnecessary monthly costs. This allows you to turn your site into a long-term asset that enhances your branding and customer acquisition efforts.

Key features include:

  • A stylish gallery for showcasing your work
  • Smart and practical stylist information
  • A design that conveys the trendy atmosphere of your shop
  • Layouts optimized for visitor engagement and bookings

These elements have been thoughtfully designed. For a detailed overview of the main features, check out this article:

>> Overview of the features of the WordPress theme “HOMME” for barbershop and salon websites